An old proverb states:
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
I must have been seven or eight years old when I first encountered these words on a slip of paper pulled from a fortune cookie following dinner in a Chinese restaurant. I couldn’t grasp the meaning behind those last four words, despite my mother’s best attempts to explain. A literal road to hell was easy enough to imagine, but “good intentions?” As pavement? This metaphor was too much for my young mind.
I was an adolescent when it finally hit me. I don’t remember what social situation I was witness to, only that it involved a friend and – as is the case with most teen drama – a big deal in the moment but probably minor in the grand scheme of things: Someone was talking behind someone else’s back, someone’s girlfriend or boyfriend was inappropriately flirting with another, a rumor was being spread, or who knows. What I do remember is this: Out of concern for the other person’s feelings – this friend only dropped vague hints about what was going on.
This strategy, as you may have guessed, completely backfired: The other person didn’t take the hints, found out anyway, felt even more hurt for not knowing sooner and was upset with the friend for not telling them the whole truth in the first place. In other words, one person’s good intentions in a dilemma led to it being an even bigger mess than it was to begin with.
“So THAT’S what’s meant by that expression.” I thought to myself.
What does this have to do with the election? Let’s start with this: One week ago today (as I write), Wednesday, November 7th, 2024, those of us who identify as Democrat/Liberal/Center-Left/Left-Leaning Independent (or whatever related term you prefer), woke up in a version of hell. Widely predicted to be a “coin toss,” Donald Trump’s return to the White House was propelled not just by his easily predictable victory in red regions but huge gains in reliably blue ones as well; not just by enough votes in key battleground States but by winning all seven (!) of them; and not just by winning the Electoral College but - as would be announced over the next few days – even the popular vote. The election result was, although not a “landslide” (which would mean the opponent got less than 50%), still an undeniable, resounding, certifiable ass-kicking and one of the most unpredictable political comebacks in US history.
Admittedly it has been a challenge to feel positive since that fateful morning one week ago. And I more than understand if anyone doesn’t want to hear about silver linings right now. But for others, perhaps a sliver of light through the crack in the door might be some consolation.
I realize I am an imperfect messenger, with my left-leaning, occasionally headline generating commentary and rap songs . To preempt a question - I don’t see more of the same and predict being much more low key during the era of Trump II: The Sequel. I’ve said what I had to say. I thought it might make a difference at the time yet here we are.
Challenges aside, it is still my nature to – as famously put in the film Monty Python’s Life of Brian (which happens to be the walk off song for one of the mightiest of metal bands, Iron Maiden): “Always look on the bright side of life.”
SILVER LINING #1: The victory was clear. There is no contested election and thus the temperature is much lower than it could have been. Sure, there are cries of “missing votes” only this time they’re coming from, yes, a few folks on Team Blue. And just as in 2020, there appears to be no credible evidence. Starlink is the new Italian satellite or Chinese Bamboo. If you still have doubts, please read Seth Abramson’s thread “No, the 2024 Election wasn’t stolen”
SILVER LINING #2: He’s old! The oldest elected President in US History. He’ll be eighty something after four years. I can’t imagine him sticking around then. And sure, we’ve got Vance, DeSantis and others in the rearview mirror. But it helps to remember that this election was a rejection of incumbents. All over the world in the last few years, almost every incumbent has been voted out or, like France’s Macron, rejected in the form of shifting balance of parliamentary power by voters. There’s no reason that won’t happen next time, unless he actually makes peoples’ lives better (we’ll see about that). And no other political figure aligned with him (Trump) has come close in terms of popular appeal, ability to win and teflon qualities as far as escaping accountability.
SILVER LINING #3: Some ugly wars may end soon. While I rarely agree with Ben Shapiro, he may have had a point in his pre-election debate with Sam Harris on Bari Weiss’s podcast. While I thought Harris (Sam - no relation to Kamala) won this debate overall in terms of logic, Shapiro scored an interesting point concerning foreign policy. It was, in a nutshell, this: Trump just may be better positioned to move the needle in terms of the current conflagrations gripping the world, partly because he makes threats as a negotiating tactic and leaders fear him. Don’t get me wrong, this seems far too risky and I much prefer a more traditional diplomatic approach. The fear of him starting new wars was terrifying from 2016 to 2020. However, avoiding new wars has become a calling card for Trump and his movement. As one TFP commenter,
put it here on Substack: “He has the "unpredictable" factor which is ideal for dealing with the myriad narcissistic authoritarians out there: specifically the leaders of Iran, North Korea, China and Russia.” Maybe, maybe not. But for whatever reason, several of the most disruptive players on the world stage – Putin, Netanyahu and even Hamas leadership (what’s left of it), all of whom have been essentially thumbing their nose at President Biden and his team – have already been showing more openness toward negotiating an end to their respective conflicts, ever since the new (and old), unpredictable Sheriff got to town. Here’s hoping.SILVER LINING #4: This one is most important:
We are now clear eyed about many things we were in the dark about before. Although painful at times, It’s far better to know the truth and move forward with decisions based on reality rather than wishful thinking. I may be in the minority here, but every time I’ve had a wake-up call in my personal life, I’ve preferred to accept the truth, chalk it up as a difficult but valuable learning experience and move on. Of course I’ve experienced things like those high school situations described earlier, even in adulthood, when it matters more. We all have. Humans are unpredictable and often unreliable, whether in friendship, family, business, romance or other type of relationship, (even more so when there’s some type of overlap). Elections and politics are no exception. So let’s at least be glad we have a clearer view going forward that this wonderful but confounding country of ours has the capacity to reject a highly qualified candidate and look back with rose colored glasses on one who happens to have the most scandals and controversy of any elected official in our nation’s history. Knowing hard truths > Denial.
At this point, I expect the word “denial” to be thrown back at me. I can hear the accusations of me being in denial about how bad things can and likely will get. I’m not. And on that note, for all my issues with Trump and Trumpism – and there are too many to name – the other folks he brings with him are even more troubling.
I cannot think of something more representative of hell than seeing the likes of online provocateur son Don Jr, conspiracy queen Marjorie Taylor Green, disheveled bond villain Steve Bannon, vaccine-hater RFK, puppy-killing Kristi Noem (just appointed Homeland Security as of this writing, wtf), underage predator Matt Gaetz (just appointed Attorney General – now we’re being “trolled”), the Slytherin-like Stephen Miller and other missionaries of meathead culture – drunk on newfound power, celebrating like rough & tumble creatures at the Star Wars cantina. With each day, the choosing of cabinet loyalists who are blatantly incompetent, with a few exceptions (ie the capable - when he chooses to be - Marco Rubio), feels like a bad reality show.
But, alas I’m not here to re-litigate my feelings towards the overlords of MAGA-world. And, honestly I don’t blame everyone who voted him – and by extension them (although it is puzzling and disappointing). I know most voters aren’t news junkies like some of us (guilty as charged) and politics plays a very minor role in their lives. Instead, I am here to sort through my in initial feelings at this moment and share them with anyone who might be interested, whether you find them relatable, comforting, entertaining or even objectionable.
So if this is “Democrat hell”, how did we get here? Remember our proverb. Below I offer several “good intentions,” – all of which I agree with in principle, but all of which backfired spectacularly.
INTENTION: It’s about time the US elected a woman as President
Absolutely, without a doubt, 100%. We are incredibly behind the times in this respect. The UK, Germany, India, Israel, most Scandinavian nations and several Asian ones have all been led by women at some point. Even our neighbor, Mexico, has their first female leader (accusations of being the handpicked puppet of her partially controversial predecessor, Señor Obrador, aside).
For whatever reason, the US still isn’t ready, or at least not enough of us. We should have learned this lesson in 2016, when one of the most qualified people, gender aside, was kicked to the curb for someone that was able tap into a hyper-masculine radar affecting a sizeable portion of the population – causing them to ignore offensive comments, sex scandals and promises of oppressive legislation, later followed through on. The well-meaning choice of running a female candidate (let alone one of color,), did not warrant the risk of doing so in 2024. It is long past time, but this wasn’t the time.
INTENTION: The homeless deserve compassion
Of course! This should be an ideal which is striven for.
Unfortunately, things have gotten out of control. The political optics of homeless encampments – especially in Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, LA and other “Democratic” cities –was effectively broadcast to the rest of the US, weaponized by Fox, Newsmax and other right leaning media. Don’t get me wrong…I don’t hear anything on the Republican side that sounds like it will make things better. And it can’t be discounted that people living on the street are finding their way out to the much warmer West from all over the US, including many red cities and States. Still, It is a very sad, seemingly untenable situation. I believe we should be consulting other countries that have dealt with problems more effectively, such as in Western Europe. Either way, denial of the severity of the problem and its optics did nothing but help usher in Trump 2.0.
INTENTION: Citizens deserve protection from police overreach and mass incarceration
100%. I’ll never get over images of George Floyd, Eric Garner and so many other victims police abuse, as well as those not captured on video (Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland & others) not to mention the protests that followed in which marchers – old men, young women and other vulnerable citizens – we’re knocked down, clubbed, arrested unfairly, beat over the head with bicycles, even run over (see footage in Brooklyn, 2020).
Crime is bad too! In fact it’s worse. Putting yourself at the mercy of riot police is a choice – I respect it and believe it should be respected by cops - but you still have a choice not to do it. Minding your own business on a city street is unavoidable. People have the right to protest and should be able to, but they don’t need to protest. People need to get from Point A to Point B to simply work and live. As the son of one of the 20th Century’s foremost experts on policing and protest (Jerome H Skolnick PhD), I feel particularly qualified to weigh in on this. Despite the rash of police misconduct, I’m convinced it’s still not the majority of cops. We still need a functioning police department. Reform is absolutely needed in some departments – many police agree with this. I’m not sure “Improve the Police” would have worked as a slogan but it’s certainly better than “Defund the Police” which – in fairness – was a left-wing activist chant that Democrats allowed to be weaponized against them to great effect.
INTENTION: New, undocumented folks in the US deserve dignity and respect
Obviously! We are a nation of immigrants. Those who wish to relocate here should be encouraged and welcomed systematically. Of course immigration is good!
Unfortunately, much like homelessness and crime, things have gotten completely out of control in Southern Border States and beyond (thanks to Border State governors shipping undocumented migrants to other regions across the US). Some are criminals, which unfairly rubs off on the far greater amount who are not. The crimes are than used to by clickbaiters to weaponize against immigrants (most of whom are equally against crime!). Again I don’t know what the solution is, only that things aren’t working, there needs to be a better balance between enforcement and acceptance. It also didn’t help to group diverse populations together with terms (ie “Latin x”) and assume that all foreign born citizens share the same views on immigration. Look how many of the Latino population swung hard right.
There are many, many more issues, some of which should go without saying (reproductive rights ), others too dense or controversial to weigh in on here such as Democratic handling (or mishandling) of identity and race, MidEast policy and protest, Gender reassignment, allowing geriatric candidates (as well as Senators, Supreme Court Justices etc) to hold onto power etc. I could go on and on but will stop for symmetry, brevity and not wishing to invite further controversy at this time. Too many positions on these issues have been both well-meaning and rooted in naivety.
Believing in progress, fairness, justice, honor and similar virtues etc is noble. We should all value ethics and ideals both individually and as a country. But sometimes, particularly in challenging conditions like post covid-inflation, anti-incumbent fever, control of the information flow by folks with billions to their name and an agenda (Musk, Theil, Murdock, to name just three), the backlash to “Me Too” and other movements by an overwhelming hypermasculine “bro-culture” and too many more to name, achieving progress towards these ideals requires accepting that the reality we’re in is not the same as the one we’re aspiring to. Therefore, certain, crucial decision-making needs to be handled accordingly. Too many people in positions to decide who and how this race was won (Dem party leadership, committee members, elite journalists etc), were like a construction team, paving the road with good intentions.
Unfortunately, that tidbit of wisdom I first came across in a fortune cookie as a young boy (and have come across many times since) has once again proven to be true, this time with more force than I can recall at any point in my lifetime: Good intentions have led us down an unintended road to four years of hell. Let’s hope that it lasts for just four years.
I appreciate the view, it does give me a few things to think on. Unlike you with the silver linings, when I feel someone I love gets hurt or needs protection, the redhead in me gets pissed off and wants to pick up the baton and fight right away, the calm and the good that may appear, seem to come later.
I am 59 years old, a guitar player, and have been a very big fan of yours for many years. I am also a conservative and regularly listen to Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Dennis Prager. I very much appreciate your intelligence and your ability to communicate very effectively. I admit I have struggled in the past with your political stances, but I grew up during a time when we could all have our own opinions and still get along just fine. All that to say that although I disagree with you politically, this piece is not only very well written, but well thought out and very level headed. I can respect and appreciate that, especially since many on the left seem to have fallen off the deep end. 👍